Free Spray Painting for Murals (Street Art)Class

Saturday, November 19th 1pm

Are you interested in learning how to spray paint like a professional muralist? Well, here's your FREE chance! All I ask you to bring with you is your own respirator mask...and some painting clothes, of course ;)

I'm Jenna Rice, a full-time muralist and designer who is going to host and teach this one-time *completely FREE* course for anyone in the community who wants to learn! 

In this course, I will cover everything you'll need to know to create our very own mural from start to finish. In this course, I will cover how to prepare your surface, materials to have, the kind of paint to use, differences in spray caps/nozzles, how to shake your can properly, different spray techniques, can control (the most important part) and much more! 

Please share this opportunity with anyone else who might be interested. I look forward to showing you the ropes!

Here is a link to a good respirator mask I would recommend you purchase. If you cannot afford one, don't worry- just shoot me a private message- I have a few extras available- just be sure to ask me as soon as you can!

This course is a part of a grant I was awarded by the North Carolina Arts Council and Arts Greensboro. Kotis Street Art has also offered to donate paint and other supplies to the course! Thank you to both of them for their support! This has always been a dream of mine- to share my skills with others.

To learn more about spray painting, please visit my YouTube channel: "Jenna Rice Art" 
The major part of my grant was creating videos on my Youtube channel that formally teach others how to create murals with spray paint. I hope you enjoy those, as well!

Remember to stay peaceful, as a calm mind is a creative mind. Now go get inspired, be an influence, and make something beautiful today!

Love and light,

Kotis Street Art Graffiti Park
1314 Lees Chapel Rd, Greensboro NC 27455
Date & Time
November 19, 2022, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
See you soon!
Join us on November 19
We look forward to teaching you!

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