Sacred Soul
You will be guided through a profound and transformative journey to awaken your sovereign, sacred soul - activating a new cycle of expansion.

Although many of us hear the call of our inner desires and dreams, it is often difficult to find the path forward to our own soul’s awakening. You will be guided through a profound journey to harvest the intentions of your unique life path - internally clearing space for what’s to come and creating room for greater visions to grow.

We will gather in community to deeply remember our connection to Mother Earth; consciously linking our awareness to her seasons in order to gain a deeper understanding of our own internal cycles of life. We will align to her wisdom and be in loving union with her plant, as well as, fungi allies.

A time to awaken more fully to the sacred power of your soul and unlock the Master Creator that you are; nourishing seeds of intention that will emerge, flourish, and thrive in the experience you deeply desire to manifest.
San Luis Valley, Colorado 
Jan. 13, 2023: 5:00 PM
Jan. 15, 2023: 3:00 PM 
San Luis Valley, Colorado
It is with great honor to host sacred ceremony in co-creation with  the San Luis Valley and the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, which are also known as “The Bloodless Valley” by Native Americans; a portal of "Shambhala" bringing the Eternal Light of divine grace into the land.

Ceremony is held in magical Dojo (“place of the way”) nestled at the base of majestic peaks that create unparalleled peace, and nature that humbles you with her magnificent beauty. It’s the perfect setting to release all that you are not, in order to embody all that you are.
 What's Included 

~ 5 Ceremonies: cacao, grounding/ecstatic dance, fire, fungi, water (hot springs)
~ Intake and Preparation Call
~ All Meals: organic, vegan menu
~ Lodging: two nights - three days
~ Embodiment and Integration Workshop
~ Day Trip to Hot Springs
~ Massage Available: add-on
~  30 Minute Follow-Up and Integration Call
A detailed itinerary as well as a check-list of what to bring will be emailed to you upon registration.
 Day 1 
Cacao Ceremony
The ancient medicine of Cacao will open our sovereign container and prepare us for the journey ahead; opening, aligning, and uniting our individual and collective heart. Opening the gateway to hear our inner spirit and wisdom that will guide us in purity through the weekend to heal our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

Grounding Ceremony 
Ecstatic Dance! Let us celebrate our gathering through movement as we ground and merge our collective energy -  connecting our roots to Mamma Gaia and using our bodies as a vessel of expression. A gifted Sound Healer and DJ will guide us through a journey of conscious music to achieve ecstasy through free form dance - shifting our awareness to experience a meditative and blissful state of mind through movement in preparation for all that lies ahead.
 Day 2 
Fire Ceremony
Fire is a transformational element, a doorway that will further open the spiritual and quantum realm guiding us through the weekend. We will honor our lessons and set intentions to release all that no longer serves our soul by placing them in the fire and turning them over to Spirit through ancient drumming and song.

Earth Medicine Ceremony
Pachamama’s medicine comes in the form of many plant allies who are some of our greatest teachers. We will journey with one of her sacred medicines to explore the depths within to hear the call of our inner compass with the intention to discover our own divinity, truth, and purposeful gifts. Providing great clarity, peace, and confidence in all that needs to be addressed in order to create the life we desire. Contact for more details on Earth Medicine Ceremony. 
 Day 3 
Embodiment and Integration Workshop
Connecting deeply with our physical bodies through various modalities of intentional integration work. Embodying the lessons of the weekend and understanding how to move forward in life with all that was unearthed.

Water Ceremony
Harnessing the transformational properties of water by altering its molecular structure to harmoniously hold the unique vibrations, frequencies, and light codes, which are  gifted during ceremony. Cleansing your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies with natures Hot Springs as you continue your journey back to wholeness and the embodiment of the paradise within as we close our time together.
We welcome you with open hearts and with boundless love to join us in ceremony. We are individually passionate about birthing sovereign spaces to be in service to you and your unique path. We each embody our own divine gifts to guide you to explore the depths within where you are safe to bee seen in your authenticity, heard in your truth, nourished in your soul, and overflowing with the potent medicine of unconditional, infinite, ever abundant love for all that is you. Rising in love as ONE. 
You beautiful one, are my passion. I am overflowing with love, gratitude, and excitement to support your soul’s journey - to witness and honor the powerful source being of light you are! I am here to lovingly assist your sacred soul as it awakens to its fullest expression - inviting you to step more powerfully into your purpose and the multi-dimensional being that you are.

A guide (for over 6 years) back to wholeness and the embodiment of the paradise within - helping you transcend all that you are not in order to embody all that you are. I celebrate you as we unleash your soul's perfect and divine light on this earth.

My medicine is love! I embody the divine love essence within each of us, and create sovereign portals that bring you back into remembrance.

I am a woman of the stars, a Galactic Water Bearer, who births the high vibrations and frequencies of the cosmos. I embody these light codes to activate and awaken you to your highest gifts so that you may break free from the distortions and illusions that keep you small and dim your divine light.

A Medicine Woman in co-creation with Gaia's wisdom and her plant medicines. A divine channel for Spirit, our Star Families, Angelic's, Ascended Masters, and many Dimensional Beings of Light. As well as Shamanic Practitioner, Reiki Master, Meditation Facilitator, Sound Healer, Integrative Somatic Trauma and Life Coach.

I believe "you are the medicine"! I am merely a mirror of love for you to witness yourself in all your glory, encouraging you to be uniquely you in all your days to come.
A powerful Healer and Integration Teacher- I am dedicated to living life as ceremony and being a full embodiment of what it means to “be the medicine.

I carry powerful Earth Medicine within me. My purpose is to be a dedicated space holder to allow you to journey wherever you need to go. I have cultivated a profound relationship with the darkness and consider myself “your tour guide through your own personal hell.” I will protect you, hold you, love you, and guide you as you sit with your demons, understand them, learn from them, release what is no longer serving, and come back home to yourself.

I have committed my life to doing the work and learning everything I can about healing and the human journey. I have been a devoted student of many teachers, elders, and plant medicines. My specialities include understanding, working with, and releasing stored trauma in the body as well as the integration process back into the human experience- teaching you how to take everything you've learned, healed, and discovered and integrating it into your life.

I have been guiding people one-on-one and in group settings for over 7 years. I am a Shamanic Practitioner, Reiki Master (for humans and animals), Certified Life/Health/Mindfulness/ Spirituality Coach, Body Specialist, Chakra Specialist, Meditation Teacher, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Specialist, and more.

I am so honored to share my gifts with you. When one of us heals, we all heal. When one of us heals, we heal the world.
A Energy and Body-Worker/ Transformational Coach, Medicine Man, Sound Healer/DJ/Producer, Designer, and Super-Conscious Chef. My quantum selection of modalities curates a symbiotic resonance that invites playful evolution and self discovery, through life-changing alchemy patterns and self love practices.

This work has inspired collaborations in the Evolved Masculine Retreats, Adventures in Brotherhood, Howl at the Moon Gathering, and played a key part in leading and guiding countless revolutionary events. My greatest intention with these experiences is that ease, inspiration, and sacred play are restored; for self, and for one-another, under grace, and in perfect ways.

As a Sound Healer and DJ, I have shared the stage with Liquid Bloom, Desert Dwellers, The Human Experience, Dreamers Delight, and Random Rab - performed at events like Daybreaker, Sonic Bloom, Elevated Frequencies, and many more. My influence comes from the Native Roots of the Americas and our Galactic Ancestors.

I call in the frequency of undeniably grounded, sensual, centered, and deep dynamic flow. My music weaves a tapestry of tribal drums, chants, singing bowls, flutes, cello, and handpan.

My sets are full-spectrum chakra activations through electro-organic ambiance and fused with the powerful heartbeat bass of Pacha Mama; you’re sure to find your next best steps through his deep journey of ecstatic musical bliss.
I am a singer, songwriter, guitarist, and percussionist. I’ve been playing and writing music for nearly 20 years but it wasn’t until the last couple years where I discovered my niche for channelling and writing medicine songs for healing. I am in the process of writing my first solo album that is scheduled to release in the Summer of 2023.

I have been working with indigenous plant sacraments for over a decade and have been called to step into the role of a facilitator for healing ceremonies. My work is approached with deep reverence for these medicines and their powerful transformative capabilities.

I am a Marriage and Family Therapist who specializes in developmental trauma. I treat a myriad of conditions including anxiety, depression, PTSD, and many others. I recently became certified in ketamine-assisted psychotherapy and now offer it as part of my services in my private practice in California.

It’s an honor to be of service and I’m excited to meet you. Thank you for your trust.

May we heal and continue healing.
As a plant mystic, musician and ceremonialist, my passion is to awaken the ancient memories of who we truly are! Through the medicines of the Earth, sacred song and embodied presence, I delight in weaving a ceremonial space of reverence, trust and love where all Beings may heal, grow and come back into alignment with their highest potential.

My commitment to the evolution of consciousness involves nurturing and empowering the Divine Feminine essence, in order to restore balance and union within ourselves and in our world. I share with you my passion for listening to the living world and returning to harmony and joyful living with the Mother Earth.

My background includes over six years living in South America, gaining extensive experience in plant medicine work, ceremony facilitation, and traditional healing and spiritual practices. Through the practice of dedicated communion with plant spirits – a tradition known in the Amazon as a master plant “dieta” – the plants have become some of my greatest teachers and allies! My background also includes a B.A. in Psychology, studies in traditional Western and Mayan herbalism, Reiki certification and more.
 Contact Us 
Have questions about the retreat? The offered ceremonies? We would love to hear from you! We are happy to answer any questions you might have while deciding if this experience is for you.  

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