Keynote Speakers
We are extremely excited to showcase the lineup of impressive keynote speakers.
Yi Liang
Associate Professor
U of A System division of Agriculture
Dr. Yi Liang joined the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture in 2007. She received her B.S. and M.S. from China Agriculture University and Ph.D. from University of Alberta. Her research and extension program focuses on environmental management, energy efficiency and renewable energy application, developing and executing practical, economically feasible, and environmentally-sound technologies, and provides timely technical assistance to poultry producers, poultry integrators, industry personnel, extension agents, government agencies, etc.  
Michael Popp
U of A System Division of Agriculture
Dr. Popp’s research focuses on the evaluation of alternative, innovative and sustainable farm production methods by analyzing risk-return tradeoffs while quantifying the environmental impact of production decisions. Recent efforts have involved the evaluation of investment in photovoltaics, tractor guidance technology, potassium fertilizer rate recommendations, valuing genetic traits, and modeling of crop agriculture for the state with a view to estimate spatial land use changes with the introduction of switchgrass, energy sorghum, pine (for carbon sequestration) and industrial hemp. Further topics include logistics associated with cellulosic energy crops and poultry litter, as well as modeling of forage and beef cattle production environments.  He has developed on-line decision support software to assist producers (
Marvin Childers
The Poultry Federation
Marvin Childers has served as President of The Poultry Federation, a trade organization representing the poultry and egg industry in AR, OK and MO since January 1, 2007. He served a two year term as President of the State Poultry Executives Association in 2016-2017. Childers says it is an honor to lead an organization where the industry provides billions of dollars to the states economy.
He is a board member of the Arkansas State Chamber and Co-Chair of the Chamber’s Tax Committee. He served as an Arkansas State Representative from 2001 thru 2006 and has practiced law with Friday, Eldredge & Clark LLP since 2000.  
Childers received a Bachelor of Accountancy from the University of Mississippi (1983) and his Juris Doctor from the University of Mississippi School of Law (1986).  He is a member of the Arkansas and Missouri Bar Associations.  

Currently, Marvin resides in Little Rock with his wife, Dr. Charisse Childers who serves as the Director of the Division of Workforce Services.
Don't miss out.
Register by July 06 . We look forward to seeing you there.
9:05 AM: Welcome - Dr. David Caldwell
9:15 AM: Solar 101 - Dr. Yi Liang

9:45 AM: Cost and Return Exercise - Dr. Michael Popp
10:30 AM: Break
11:00 AM: Net Metering - Marvin Childers
11:30 AM: Q&A
11:45 AM: Lunch
Event Location
Don Tyson Center for Agricultural Sciences
1371 W Altheimer Dr, Fayetteville, AR 72704

Funding for this event is provided by a grant from the USDA and the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service.

Processing Registration...