The project "Take Care" implemented in 4 countries of the Western Balkans - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Northern Macedonia and Serbia focuses on the psychological, social, emotional and mental status of many vulnerable groups, such as older people, people without shelter and groups of people with dementia. All of which have been greatly impacted by COVID.

A second focus is to strengthen the capacity of staff/volunteers/local actors and to increase their skills and knowledge in order to strengthen local health systems.

During the Project visit Projekt Partners will have the opportunity to meet Experts in the field of homecare and elderly care in Vienna & St. Pölten.

This Website provides all the information needed for attendes: Information on the Speakers, the current Programm Schedule, the Locations, Overview over Organizations and Initiatives and relevant Contact Details.
Caritas Diözese St. Pölten
Hasnerstrasse 4
3100 St. Pölten

Caritas Österreich
Abrechtskreithgasse 19-21
1160 Wien

Date & Time
May 16, 2022, 8:00 AM - May 20, 2022 - 8:00 AM
Programm Schedule
Monday, 16.05.2022

5:30 pM
6:00 PM
7:00 PM
Official Welcome + Programm Overview
Welcome Statement by the Direktor of Caritas St. Pölten: Hannes Ziselsberger
Tuesday, 17.05.2022
Safguarding, Campaigning and Dementia
09:00 AM - 09:10 AM
09:10 AM - 09:25 AM
Introduction Caritas Mommsengasse
Caritas Mommsengasse speaks about the services it provides. 
09:25 AM - 09:55 AM
​​​​Rundgang Mommsengasse
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Buddy for People with Dementia
Buddy for People with Dementia, Sabrina Forster - Caritas Wien
10:45 AM - 11:30 AM
Introduction: Safeguarding for the Elderly
Sigried Spindelbeck - Caritas Upper Austria
11:30 AM - 12:45 PM
Concepts for Elderly Care and Safegurding
12:15 PM - 13:30 PM
Practical Examples in Safeguarding.
13:30 PM - 15:00 PM
Lunch Break
15:00 PM - 16:30 PM
Social Fonds Vienna (FSW)
Armend Tafa & Beatrix Buder, BA
- The History of the Social Fonds Vienna (FSW)
- Why the city of Vienna is sponsoring Home Care in Vienna
16:30 PM - 18:00 PM
Pro Senectute
Laetitia Egger, BA - Austria Wide Campaigne against Violence against older Women
18:00 PM - 19:00 PM
PCR Testing
We will go for PCR-Testing together, as it is a requirement for our visit of the elderly homes on Thursday, 19.05
19:30 PM - 22:30 PM
Joint Dinner
Vinzi Rast - Mittendrin - Social Restaurant helping people without shelter gain employment. 
Please note the Program is subject to changes.
Wednesday, 18.05.2022
Caritas St. Pölten: Financing Homecare, Digitalization & The History of Homecare
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Holy Service for Employees & Guests in the Hippolythaus Chapel
9:15 AM - 9:20 AM
Welcome & Introduction
Melissa ofoedu, Tobias Nölcke & Jelena Micovic
9:20 AM - 10:05 AM
Development of home nursing and care quality assurance

Mag, Andrea Harm, Pflegedienstleiterin, Caritas St. Pölten
10:05 AM - 10:30 AM
Nursing documentation goes digital (Ingrid Poiss)
- Nursing process and nursing documentation
- Insight into the digital programming of care documentation

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Coffee Break
11:00 AM - 11:25 AM
Insight into a social care unit of mobile home care (Thomas Krückel)
11:25 PM - 11:50 pM
Presentation of the Dementia Competence Centre (Renate Spadinger)
11:50 PM - 13:30 pM
Lunch Break @ Hippolythaus St. Pölten
13:30 PM - 14:00 pM
Financing of Mobile home Care 
14:00 PM - 14:30 pM
Coffee Break
14:30 PM - 16:00 PM
Exchange with political representatives/State Government Lower Austria: Mag.a Isabella Handl-Wimmer 
16:00 PM - 17:00 AM
Further training of staff members (Quality Assurance) Networking with Caritas Serbia, Bosnia and Albania (Elisabeth Loidolt )
17:00 PM - 17:30 AM
Open Questions & Closing
18:30 PM - 22:30 AM
Joint Dinner - Heuriger Kattner
Please note the Program is subject to changes.
Thursday, 19.05.2022
Elderly Homes, Activities for the Elderly & Social Business Ideas
9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Welcome & Introduction (Group 1/Bosnia & Serbia) 
Presentation of the KWP
- Overview over Care Systems
- Care in Austria & Vienna
- Financing & Access
10:15 AM - 11:30
Tour of Haus Wieden (Group 1/Bosnia & Serbia) 
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Welcome & Overview of Social Business: Vollpension Vienna (Group 2/Albania) 
Omi/Opa pens a story
Snacks & Drinks included
12:00 PM - 13:00 PM
Lunch Break (Group 1 + Group 2) 
Joint Lunch with Group 1 + Group 2 in Haus Wieden
13:00 PM - 14:00 PM
Welcome & Introduction (Group 2/Albania)
Presentation of the KWP
- Overview over Care Systems
- Care in Austria & Vienna
- Financing & Access
14:00 PM - 15:30 PM
Tour of Haus Wieden (Group 2/Albania)
14:30 PM - 15.30 PM
Welcome & Overview of Social Business: Vollpension Vienna (Group 1/Serbia & Bosnia)
Omi/Opa pens a story
Snacks & Drinks included.
Please note the Program is subject to changes. 
Friday, 20.05.2022
8:00 AM
Depature of Participants
Speakers on Tuesday, 17.05.2022
Please find the Speakers for the Day in this Section 
Sabrina Forster
Coordinator at Demetia Buddy Project
Sabrina Forster is programm coordinator at the Dementia Buddy Project of Caritas Vienna. 
Sigried Spindlbeck
Safeguarding Expert for Caritas Upper Austria
Decades of experience working in the areas of inclusion and safeguarding for Caritas Upper Austria and beyond. 
Laetitia Egger, BA
MARVOW Projekt
Mrs. Egger worked closely on the Kampagne "Violence against older Women".
Beatrix Buder, BA
FSW nursing and care department
Beatrix Buder, BA is a certified health care and nursing assistant (since 2003).
From 2003-2014 she worked at the intensive care unit for neurosurgery at the General Hospital of the City of Vienna. She is a specialist staff member in the FSW nursing and care department.
Armend Tafa
Armend Tafa, born 19.12.1987 in Kichevo, North Macedonia is a Qualified health care worker and nurse. Since 2019, he has been the head of the assessment team at the Counselling Centre for Care and Support and leads a team of 25 people in case management.

Speakers on Wednesday, 18.05.2022
Please find the Speakers for the Day in this Section
Mag. Andrea Harm
Head of Mobile Home Care Services
Andrea Harm has been the head of mobile nursing at Caritas Diocese of St. Pölten for five years. She has many years of experience as a qualified health care worker and  training in Dementia Care Mapping.
Ingrid Poiss
Documentation & Processes
Ingrid Poiss is an expert in Nursing Documentation and Operational Processes
Thomas Krückel
Head of Operational Management
Thomas Krückel, trained as a qualified health care worker and nurse. He has been employed at Caritas St. Pölten for 20 years.
Renate Spadinger
Dementia Expert
She has been working for Caritas St. Pölten as a Dementia expert. Working mostly with the elderly in Home Care 
Elisabeth Loidolt
Teacher Caritas School
She has been working at the Caritas School for years with professional experience in teaching 
Mag. Manfred Mandl
Mr. Mandl is currently Regional Manager for Caritas for Care and Mobile Home Care in Mostviertel East
Speakers on Thursday, 19.05.2022
Please find the Speakers for the Day in this Section
Omi/Opa Vollpension
Let yourself be surprised. One of the many beneficaries of the Vollpension Project in Vienna will tell you about the organization, the project and how it has impacted their lifes. 
Mr. Armin Cehic
Director Häuser zum Leben Wieden
Mr. Cehic is the Director of Elderly Homes in the 4th District of Vienna 
Organizations & Initiatives
Here you will find a selection of the Orgainization speaking at the Study Visit to get an insight into the work they do previously to the Study visit. 
Dementia Buddy Programm - Caritas Vienna 
In the project "Leisure Buddies for Dementia", volunteers offer to spend a few hours of leisure time as "buddies" with people suffering from dementia in Vienna. These can be visits to museums, walks, visits to pubs or other activities. The time without the person to be cared for can be spent by the relatives as they wish.
Pro Senectute - Safegurading for Elderly Women
Pro Senectute is an independent, non-profit association. It unites people who are involved in work with the elderly or have an interest in working for the quality of life of elderly people and their environment. All their measures within the framework of projects, competence promotion and initiatives have a common goal: to create good conditions for a liveable old age in Austria.
Caritas St. Pölten - Homecare Unit
See need and act - that is the motto of Caritas. In our largest area - nursing and care - we support many thousands of people at home and in our facilities every year. And the need will increase in the coming years: By 2050, the number of people in need of care is expected to rise from 450,000 at present to 750,000.
Homes for the Elderly
Häuser zum Leben
Our goal is to enable seniors to live a self-determined life. We promote quality of life, integration and solidarity. Here you can be yourself.
Grannies Bake against Poverty - Vollpension Vienna
Our mission at Vollpension is to create meeting and learning areas for new types of co-operation and togetherness among old and young. Nobody should be alone when growing old. Everybody has something to give, and everybody can contribute to living together in a good way. We see our Vollpension as an impetus for older people to become an active and firmly integrated, valuable part of our society.
Day 1 Locations: 16.05.2022
Hippolithaus St. Pölten
Day 2, 17.05.2022
Caritas Vienna 
Mommsengasse 35,
1040 Wien
Target group: Adults with a valid main residence in Vienna who are in a social or financial emergency situation, regardless of citizenship.

Counselling and information on claims under social law, also in connection with the law on aliens
Counselling on state entitlements and benefits
Information on the social landscape in Vienna and referral to competent state agencies and specialised institutions.
Day 3, 18.05.2022
Dompfarre St. Pölten
Dompl. 1, 3100 St. Pölten
Target group: Adults with a valid main residence in Vienna who are in a social or financial emergency situation, regardless of citizenship.

Counselling and information on claims under social law, also in connection with the law on aliens
Counselling on state entitlements and benefits
Information on the social landscape in Vienna and referral to competent state agencies and specialised institutions.
Day 4, 19.05.2022
Haus Wieden,
Ziegelofengasse 6a,
1040 Wien,
The fourth district is the ideal starting point for discoveries of all kinds. Restaurants, cafés and bars are just as inviting as the neighbouring Naschmarkt. Cultural sights such as the Karlskirche, the Wien Museum or the Belvedere are within easy reach of Haus Wieden.
Day 4, 19.05.2022
Schleifmühlgasse 16,
1040 Wien
Please find the relevant Contact before and during the Study Visit below.
For queries regarding the Study visit contact Melissa Ofoedu and for any further information on the Take Care Projectthe local managers respectivly.
Tobias Nölcke
Caritas Austria
Tel.: (Austria): +43 676 336 41 03
         (Serbia): +381 61 1682 486
e-Mail: [email protected]
Ifeoma Melissa Ofoedu
Caritas St. Pölten
Tel.: +43 676 838 44 304
e-Mail: [email protected]
Jelena Micovic
Caritas Serbia
Tel.: (Serbia) +381 62 244 213
e-Mail: [email protected]
 Corona Information
As of April 2022 most Corona relevant Measures have been stopped by the austrian government. However it is important you inform yoursefl about the guidlines and measures as regarding your country. Please find all the relevant Corona information here.

Please note that to visit the Elderly Home on Thursday, 19.05.2022 you will have to show a valid corona test. Therefore we will jointly visit a Test center on the 17.05.2022.
PRC Testing on 17.05
Note: You will have to take a PCR Test on the 17.05 to take part of the tour of the elderly homes on the 19.05
Join us on May 16
We look forward to hosting you!

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